Are Certain People Or Conditions More At Risk For Needing The Treatment For Burning Feet?
People seeking treatment for burning feet are most often a result of peripheral neuropathy. Metabolic/Chemical and/or Mechanical/Compressive are often the most common types of causing burning feet . Peripheral neuropathy is a serious diabetes complication and is estimated to affect approximately 50-70% of people who are diabetics. The nerves of the feet are damaged from the elevated blood sugar causing the need for treatment of burning feet in many diabetic and even prediabetic patients.
Other types of metabolic or chemical causes, such as chemotherapy, prescription and over the counter medications, industrial/military toxins, and alcohol can put people at risk for needing treatment for burning feet.
Compressive or mechanical peripheral neuropathy in the lower spine to the lumbar and/or sacral nerves or nerve leg entrapments can cause sensory nerve damage to the nerves of the hip, legs, ankle and feet results in people seeking burning feet treatment.
What Drugs are Prescribed for the Treatment For Burning Feet?
Traditional prescribed medications for the treatment for burning feet do not address the underlying cause of the condition or facilitate the stimulation for damaged peripheral nerve tissue regeneration and repair.
The powerful medicines prescribed are to only cover up the symptoms and help the patient cope with pain and discomfort. The peripheral neuropathy condition that causes people to seek treatment for burning feet will continue to progressively worsen due to the fact these medications do not rehabilitate the cause of peripheral neuropathy.
Powerful medications often prescribed as treatment for burning feet.
- Painkillers/opioids
- Antidepressants
- Anti-inflammatories
- Epileptics
- Ant-seizure
The goal of treatment for burning feet must improve the health of damaged peripheral nerves and small blood vessels . The focus of the treatment needs to include improved circulation and peripheral nerve cell stimulation to facilitate cell regeneration
How Successful Are Prescription Medications For The Treatment For Burning Feet?
Currently, Traditional medicine does not have a effective treatment for people seeking treatment for burning feet. Patients seeking treatment for burning feet are given strong medicines that do not treat the underlying cause or rehabilitate the damaged peripheral nerves causing the painful burning feet. These types of drugs unsuccessfully mask the burning pain while the condition continues to get worse. Majority of patients seeking treatment for burning feet cannot live with side effects of long-term medication use and its side effects.
What Is The Dr. Alfonso Neuropathy Treatment For Burning Feet Successful?

Dr. Alfonso‘s Neuropathy Treatment Protocol is a successful treatment that has effectively helped many patients needing treatment for burning feet without the use of powerful painkillers, injections, or surgeries.
Dr. Alfonso‘s Neuropathy Treatment Protocol is a selected combination of specialized treatments and therapies developed to increase the circulation to damaged nerve tissues and stimulation of nerve cell regeneration and repair. The increased circulation elevated the supply of oxygen, nutrients to damaged peripheral nerve tissue and aides in metabolic waste removal. This type of care applied as the treatment for burning feet resulting from peripheral neuropathy actually addresses the underlying cause of the symptoms and function loss.
You can learn more about the Dr. Alfonso Neuropathy Treatment Protocol and the combination of specialized treatments for rehabilitating damaged sick peripheral nerves on our treatment page.[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][button size=”big_large_full_width” icon=”fa-medkit” target=”_self” hover_type=”default” text_align=”center” text=”Dr. Alfonso‘s Neuropathy Treatment Protocol” link=”” color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#0090ff” icon_color=”#ffffff”][/vc_column][/vc_row]
If you have been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy or have neuropathy symptoms such as pain, burning, numbness in your arms, hands, legs or feet. Please contact us at (305) 275-7475 to schedule and discuss your questions with our new patient specialist or message us your number/email and our team member will reach out to you for scheduling.
Out of town patients can schedule a complimentary Zoom Meeting Consultation or Phone Consultation with Dr. Alfonso. Please contact either by website, email, or by phone if you have any questions. We are here to help you overcome peripheral neuropathy and get you back to enjoying life! You can beat peripheral neuropathy without drugs or surgery!
For more info on the Dr. Alfonso Neuropathy Treatment Protocol please visit our treatment page of our website.
I look forward to meeting and helping you!
Sincerely Yours for Health,
Dr. Rodolfo Alfonso, D.C.
8585 Sunset Drive,
STE 104
Miami, FL 33143
Ph: 305-275.7475