Aims: To evaluate the impact of peripheral neuropathy on bone health in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).
Methods: Participants with T2DM were grouped according to the presence of peripheral neuropathy as assessed by vibration perception threshold (VPT). Recruitment ensured groups were balanced for age, sex and body mass index (BMI). Bone health was measured by calcaneal quantitative ultrasound (QUS) and compared between groups. Calcaneal QUS parameters were correlated across the cohort with VPT and other prespecified variables.
Results: Thirty-four participants (17 per group) were included with mean age 68 ± 12 years, 47% male, with median BMI 29.9 (IQR 26.9-32.7) kg/m2.

The peripheral neuropathy group had significantly lower mean Stiffness Index (87 ± 12 versus 101 ± 16, p = 0.01), Speed of Sound (1542 ± 28 versus 1574 ± 34 m/s, p < 0.01), and a trend towards lower Broadband Ultrasound Attenuation (113 ± 10 versus 120 ± 12 dB/MHz, p = 0.07). Pedal bone health asymmetry was not a significant feature in those with peripheral neuropathy. All calcaneal QUS parameters correlated
negatively with VPT, although significance of the relationship with Broadband Ultrasound Attenuation was nullified if controlled for diabetes duration or time on insulin. Broadband Ultrasound Attenuation showed independent negative correlation with diabetes duration.
Conclusions: People with T2DM and peripheral neuropathy have poorer bone health as measured by calcaneal QUS than those without peripheral neuropathy, independent of age, sex and BMI.
Where can I get the best peripheral neuropathy treatment?
At Neuropathy Relief Center Of Miami, patients will learn about our innovative peripheral neuropathy treatment that has greatly improved the lives of people not only in Miami, Florida but from around the globe. There is hope for improvements with this successful neuropathy treatment protocol without medications or surgical procedures.
The first step to recovering your health is to determine the cause of your symptoms, identify your current nerve damage severity, and design an individualized peripheral neuropathy treatment plan of action to help you beat peripheral neuropathy.
Vibration Neuropathy Therapy 30Hz Benefits:
1) Increases bone mass and density through osteoblast stimulation aka bone building cells.
2) Stimulates and pumps the lymphatic systems, detoxing the body and improving immunity through muscular contractions.
3) Accelerates the healing of damaged tendons, muscles, bones, fascia, and ligaments at a cellular level.
4) Increases circulation that bring nutrients and oxygen damage tissues to stimulate and promote healing.
5) Improves the immune function through increase T lymphocytes circulation by the lymphatic system
6) Improves and increases spinal and extremity flexibility
7) Decreases inflammation and pain in the spine and extremities

Dr. Alfonso‘s Neuropathy Treatment Protocol utilizes 8 specialized treatments designed to improve the supply of oxygen, eliminate waste, and improve nutrition to damaged nerves. Increased circulation to the damaged peripheral nerves combined with treatments to stimulate peripheral nerve cell regeneration, and repair.
Dr. Alfonso Neuropathy Treatment Protocol
- Improves and increases oxygen and nutrition through the increase of circulation to the damaged nerves.
- Repairs peripheral fibers by stimulating regenerative of new nerve cells.
- Removes and eliminates mechanical peripheral nerve entrapments and compressions in the spine and extremities
If you have been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy or have neuropathy symptoms such as pain, burning, numbness in your arms, hands, legs or feet. Please contact us at (305) 275-7475 to schedule and discuss your questions with our new patient specialist or message us your number/email and our team member will reach out to you for scheduling.
Out of town patients can schedule a complimentary Zoom Meeting Consultation or Phone Consultation with Dr. Alfonso. Please contact either by website, email, or by phone if you have any questions. We are here to help you overcome peripheral neuropathy and get you back to enjoying life! You can beat peripheral neuropathy without drugs or surgery!
For more info on the Dr. Alfonso Neuropathy Treatment Protocol please visit our treatment page of our website.
I look forward to meeting and helping you!
Sincerely Yours for Health,
Dr. Rodolfo Alfonso, D.C.
8585 Sunset Drive,
STE 104
Miami, FL 33143
Ph: 305-275.7475
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