Table of Contents:
What are the most common symptoms of sensory neuropathy?
What causes sensory neuropathy?
How is sensory neuropathy diagnosed?
Can Sensory Neuropathy Be Cured?
What is the treatment for sensory neuropathy?
How successful is the Dr. Alfonso Neuropathy Treatment Protocol for Sensory Neuropathy?
How much does the Dr.Alfonso Neuropathy Treatment Protocol cost for sensory neuropathy?
The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is composed of nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord (CNS) that send signals back and forth between the CNS and other parts of the body.
Sensory neuropathy is damage or disease of the peripheral nerves responsible for sensory signal transmission for touch, temperature, vibration, pain and other sensations to the spinal cord and brain.
Depending on the type of nerve fiber affect the symptoms of sensory neuropathy will vary among patients.
Small fiber sensory neuropathy symptoms are primarily sensory and may include abnormal sensations such as tingling, numbness, pins-and-needles, sharp pains, burning pain, coldness, and electric shock.
Large fiber sensory neuropathy symptoms affect motor functions for movement, balance, coordination, proprioception and strength.
Most common symptoms of both small fiber and large fiber sensory neuropathy:
Diabetic patients are at a very high risk for developing sensory neuropathy as a result of peripheral nerve damage from extended periods of high glucose/blood sugar.
Majority of sensory neuropathy patients experience sensory disturbances that begin in the feet/hands and progress upwards up the legs/arms.
Approximately one third of sensory neuropathy cases are a result of diabetes. Physical trauma or injuries, such as car accidents, falls, sports injuries, and repetitive stress syndromes account for one third of sensory neuropathy cases. The final one third is considered to be idiopathic or unknown.
Toxin causes of sensory neuropathy:
Metabolic causes of sensory neuropathy:
Hereditary causes of sensory neuropathy:
(most common hereditary form of sensory neuropathy )
Dr. Alfonso will first discuss your symptoms, medical history, and complaints before conducting a sensory neuropathy examination. During the physical and neurological exam he will test ability to feel different sensations,reflexes, balance and coordination. If necessary additional advanced diagnostics and labs may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis of sensory neuropathy.
Sensory neuropathy can improve and possibly be overcome with early diagnosis and proper treatment plan. Early detection of sensory neuropathy is key for treatment success. Some fibers with the proper therapies, treatments, nutritional support, and lifestyle changes can slowly regenerate.
Sensory neuropathy therapies and treatments that specialize in rehabilitation of the nerves as utilized in the Dr. Alfonso Neuropathy Treatment Protocol are highly successful in the treatment of sensory neuropathy.
Sensory Neuropathy therapies and treatments need to produce physiological effects needed to help heal damaged peripheral nerves.
1) Increased circulation providing oxygen and nutrients to the damaged nerves
2) stimulation of cells and enzymes for nerve cell growth.
Dr. Alfonso‘s Neuropathy Treatment Protocol is a highly effective treatment that has successfully helped many patients who suffer from sensory neuropathy without drugs or surgery.
Dr. Alfonso‘s Neuropathy Treatment Protocol combines multiple specialized treatments developed to improve the supply of nutrients, and oxygen to damaged peripheral nerve tissues and cells by increasing circulation to the nerves combined with treatments to stimulate peripheral nerve cell healing and repair.
Please read more about the Dr. Alfonso Neuropathy Treatment Protocol and the unique therapies for rehabilitating damaged peripheral nerves as a result of sensory neuropathy on our treatment page. Dr. Alfonso Neuropathy Treatment Protocol combines innovative therapies for rehabilitating damaged peripheral nerves as a result of sensory neuropathy.
We see an estimated successful 85% improvement rate in our patients with sensory neuropathy. Each patient is unique with their individual complicating case factors and results vary depending on compliance to care frequency, home instructions, chronicity, and other chronic complicating health problems. Patients who have been treated with the Dr. Alfonso Neuropathy Treatment Protocol, report improved sensory neuropathy symptoms and improved function. Many patients with sensory neuropathy have symptom improvements with their numbness, tingling burning, pins and needles, constriction, stabbing pain. Patients also report functional improvements, such as, balance, coordination and walking, better sleep, and improved quality of life with friends and family.
Currently traditional medicine does not have a cure for sensory neuropathy. Patients are prescribed powerful drugs (painkillers, antiseizure, antidepressants) that do not treat the cause of the damaged peripheral nerves. These types of drugs just mask the pain and symptoms. Most patients cannot live with side effects of long-term drug use. Many patients have felt they have no other option for sensory neuropathy until discovering the life changing treatment at Neuropathy Relief Miami.
At Neuropathy Relief Miami, each patient’s treatment recommendations are individualized and developed from the individual’s sensory neuropathy examination/diagnostics, severity, chronicity, function loss and peripheral nerve damage. The treatment recommendations and cost of care are not the same for all sensory neuropathy patients. Each patient’s financial investment must be determined from the individualized sensory neuropathy consultation and evaluation. After the examination is completed and studied the patient will receive a report of findings and notification of acceptance into our sensory neuropathy treatment program. During this meeting you will receive a financial review and breakdown of the cost for sensory neuropathy treatment and your personalized treatment plan.
This information from the sensory neuropathy evaluation and report of findings will help you make a logical informed decision on moving forward with your sensory neuropathy treatment plan of action. We have many financial plans and options. If needed, we have partnered with healthcare financial companies some with 0% interest or very low interest rates designed to help patients get the care they need and deserve.