18 Jan Peripheral Neuropathy? Four things to be aware of
1) The pain and numbness are not the only symptoms.
Your peripheral nerves are the source of the pain, numbness, and weakness that typically affect your hands and feet.
These are the early warning signs of a nerve-related underlying ailment.
The nerves that supply the neurological control of your shoulder, arms, hands, legs, ankles, and feet sprout off the spinal cord in the space between each individual vertebrae and disc.
Damage to your peripheral nerves results in peripheral neuropathy, which is what causes the discomfort, weakness, numbness, trouble sleeping, imbalance, and difficulty walking that many neuropathy sufferers experience.

Neuropathy Relief Miami. Peripheral Neuropathy? Four things to be aware of. The pain and numbness are not the only symptoms.
2) A variety of contributing and risk factor kinds
- Peripatetic Neuropathy: discomfort and paresthesia
- Peripatetic Neuropathy: discomfort and paresthesia
- Metabolic: Risk Elements
- Diabetes – Patients with diabetes are the most frequent metabolic cause of neuropathy that we see in our office. Approximately 60% of people with diabetes go on to develop diabetic neuropathy.
- Chemical: Danger Elements
- Alcoholism Drugs / Prescription Medication Chemotherapy
- Industrial and War Toxins: Mechanical and Risk Factors
- Herniated and Bulged Disc(s)
- Declining Disc(s) a spinal stenosis
These are also fairly prevalent reasons, and they are primarily caused by difficulties with mechanical joints that compress the nerves that radiate from the spine.
Genetically Based Risk Factors: Genetic or inherited neuropathies make up the last group of neuropathies, ranked from most to least prevalent. Among them are neurological conditions like Charcot Marie Tooth Disease and Friedreich’s Ataxia. Though extremely important to people affected, these are quite uncommon and account for fewer than 1% of neuropathies.
3) Drugs just mask the signs and symptoms.

Neuropathy Relief Miami. Peripheral Neuropathy? Four things to be aware of. These are the early warning signs of a nerve-related underlying ailment.
Risk factors for peripheral neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy medications do not restore nerve cells, tissues, or physiological function.
Certain medications are useful in reducing pain, but they do not address or treat the condition’s underlying cause—damaged nerves.
This kind of medication-assisted symptom masking will not repair the damaged nerves and frequently leads to new health issues.
4) A Better Way and Hope Are Available
There is hope without the need for pills or surgery, regardless of whether you’ve been using painkillers for your neuropathy or you only think you could have nerve damage.
There is currently no treatment for neuropathy in conventional medicine. Strong medications are administered to patients, but they do not address their nerve damage, which the Drugs for Peripheral Neuropathy just dulls the sensations of pain.

Neuropathy Relief Miami. Peripheral Neuropathy? Four things to be aware of. Diabetes – Patients with diabetes are the most frequent metabolic cause of neuropathy that we see in our office.
Many patients feel there is no other way to treat their excruciating pain and other neuropathy symptoms, and they are unable to handle the long-term medicine use and adverse effects.
The discomfort, tingling, numbness, inflammation, and swelling that are frequently associated with diabetic, statin, and chemotherapy-related peripheral neuropathy have been significantly relieved for thousands of patients.
Dr. Alfonso’s Neuropathy Treatment Protocol is based on the most cutting-edge science and technologies accessible, utilizing the most recent research and technology. Numerous patients who suffer from neuropathy have found success with Dr. Alfonso’s drug-free, non-surgical, safe, and effective Neuropathy Treatment Protocol.
This Treatment Protocol comprises a personalized treatment plan, home care, and nutritional program; it is applied without the need for medication or surgery.
If you have not already, please watch our short videos explaining how our treatment works for Neuropathy
If your arms, hands, legs, or feet hurt, burn, or exhibit other neuropathy symptoms, you may have peripheral neuropathy. For scheduling and to discuss your questions with our new patient expert, please call (305) 275-7475. Alternatively, send us an email or message with your phone number, and a member of our team will get in touch with you to arrange a time.
Out of town patients can schedule a complimentary Zoom Meeting Consultation or Phone Consultation with Dr. Alfonso. Please contact either by website, email, or by phone if you have any questions. We are here to help you overcome peripheral neuropathy and get you back to enjoying life! You can beat peripheral neuropathy without drugs or surgery!
For more info on the Dr. Alfonso Neuropathy Treatment Protocol please visit our treatment page of our website.
I look forward to meeting and helping you!
Sincerely Yours for Health,
Dr. Rodolfo Alfonso, D.C.
8585 Sunset Drive,
STE 104
Miami, FL 33143
Ph: 305-275.7475