
November 2022

The most common symptoms If Peripheral Neuropathy…. The most common symptoms of peripheral neuropathy can include: Burning pain radiating in hands or feet Pins and needles in the extremities Numbness and tingling Weakness in hands, arms,legs and or feet A knotted feeling in the soles and...

Is Peripheral Neuropathy Causes My Burning Feet? Peripheral neuropathy is the most common cause of people experiencing burning feet symptoms. Peripheral neuropathy symptoms are typically the results from a combination of sensory and motor nerve damage. When a person has peripheral sensory small fiber nerve damage symptoms...

Health nerves receive oxygenated blood and nutrition through microscopic capillaries. Damage and/or obstruction to these small blood vessels as a result of high blood sugar, toxins, mechanical entrapment restricts the transfer of oxygen and nutrition to the nerve cells causing nerve cell death. Peripheral neuropathy is...

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