
October 2022

Many different pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) devises have been clinically used to stimulate healing processes, but many procedures are still without supporting basic research data. The aim of this study was to investigate a new modified pulsed electromagnetic field therapy: electromagnetic transduction therapy (EMTT). EMTT is...

Dr. Alfonso’s Neuropathy Treatment Protocol utilizes a combination of 8 specialized therapies designed to rehabilitate the cause of Peripheral Neuropathy. The doctor will select the best treatment therapy combination, frequency, nutritional plan, and home support determined from your consultation, examination and diagnostics. How Does The Dr. Alfonso...

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36194493/ "There is currently limited evidence supporting duloxetine's use for CIPN. There is a need for more comprehensive and higher-quality trials assessing duloxetine in the setting of CIPN, before further clinical practice recommendations." Introduction: Duloxetine has previously been reported to be promising in the setting of chemotherapy-induced peripheral...

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